And this- our final ode to Mr. Aaron Marshall - at least for the day. Aaron has been a loyal cortado-addicted customer of Quills on Baxter for a very long time. His enthusiasm, ingenuity and friendliness are contagious but perhaps most important to all of you - He is the reason we serve the delicious 4 oz. cortado at all of our stores. Well maybe we would have figured it out eventually but he definitely got us started sooner than later.
Photo by Lang Thomas Photography
But Aaron's main claim to fame (and ours a little -we like to think- by serving as his favorite office) is his development of the photo-manipulation app Over - which was the No. 3 feature spot for the ipad app store over Christmas this past year. Find out more about that app- and download it!- here and here
Anyways- to get to the point- Aaron and his family departed for Cape Town, South Africa today where they will find all sorts of new adventures for their beautiful family and where Aaron will find new cafe-offices to push the cortado to (although we all know it will never be as sweet as here at Quills and that will likely be a little bit of a bummer for him. Chin up Aaron! )