Like most people, we've spent some time looking back on the year we just wrapped up and it's hard to believe so much has happened!! We have learned and grown and sweat and celebrated a ton this year and we are extremely grateful. Thank YOU for being such a big part of it.
We would love to share some of those great events that are now permanently pasted in our yearbook of 2012. We may not have always been the coolest. We may even have been voted "most likely to likely to be a geek forever" instead of "most likely to be a supermodel" or "..... to make a million dollars" or other coveted titles. But ya know what- we think geeks have more fun!! And don't they usually get the girl in the end?
Due to the sheer # of awesome things that took place, we're gonna have to break this one up into episodes. Here's the first:
We opened our third store on the University of Louisville's campus

In January, we celebrated the grand opening of New Albany's store which houses both a cafe and our roastery

We introduced a few new coffees into the rotation: Finca La Bolsa, El Guayabo (a Quills exclusive) and Ethiopia Yirgacheffe ECX as well as continuing to influence and raise up right our baby: Blacksmith Espresso.
We participated in, and sent baristas to, various events and competitions like Coffee Fest, Thursday Night Throwdowns, the Southeast Regional Brewers Cup. We were privileged to host a TNT event at our store and be a part of the first ever TN vs. KY match-up (featured in Barista Magazine too).

We won Best of Louisville !!