Our latest coffee comes from one of the best regions (Huila) in one of the top producing countries (Colombia) in the world! It was selected from a competition our importer attended, (and it sounds like they had a lot of fun with all sorts of indigenous beverages at this event. Read their own informative account here) bringing back 15 of the best coffees from Huila's June/July harvest.
Huila has been the best region in Colombia for quality coffee over the last ten years. The cupping competition- simply titled "The Best of Huila" is what has fortunately provided us with this latest roast.
Cafe Imports reports: "Ninety Two producers entered lots that were cupped over the week and narrowed down to about 40 lots which were cupped again on the last two days, and finally, a cupping of the top 25. This is a format very similar to cup of excellence and guarantees that you get to see great coffees again and again and also reconsider something that other cuppers liked and perhaps you missed."

This particular coffee we are serving you was grown on a lot of less than .01 square miles. We thank producer Don Over Aroca at Finca La Pradera for his hard work as well as Cafe Imports for the oh-so-difficult job of dancing, imbibing and celebrating …. oh and also for the truly very difficult job of choosing from such amazing coffees to bring back to us.
There wasn't much of this one to go around so Quills will be featuring it for only a short time. Come get it while you can!
Single-Origin Details:
- Farm: Finca La Pradera
- Region: Tarqui, Huila
- Process: Fully washed, fermented for 20 hours, and sun-dried
- Varietal: Caturra
- Elevation: 1,650 MASL
- We taste: Ripe, tropical fruit sweetness complemented by a white grape acidity and a smooth, creamy mouthfeel; all in perfect balance. Finishes with rich dark chocolate.