From? Originally from Lubbock, Texas, which everyone knows is The Giant Side of Texas, though we moved here from San Antonio.
Family? My beautiful bride is Dr. Sheridan Langford who is a resident in the Pediatrics program at University of Louisville.
How did you get into coffee roasting? When I moved to San Antonio, Texas to live near my then fiancée Sheridan, a coffee friend from Lubbock told me to find The Brown Coffee Company. It was there that my coffee world was taken to new heights through meeting Finca Las Delicias Reserva and Edlina Microlot. I joined owner/roaster extraordinaire Aaron Blanco as his roasting assistant and I was never the same.
What brought you to Quills New Albany? My wife matched to UofL's pediatric residency program and I found Quills through their connection to Brown.
What is the deal with armadillos? One time, late at night, I saw an armadillo while walking to my car. It was digging into the ground looking for critters. It looked at me with its hairy beady eye and I was afraid, then I got in my car and left. The End.
What childhood cartoon character do you most relate to? Bugs Bunny
What is your current favorite roast and brewing method? Finca La Bolsa Microlot 3 as V60 or Chemex
What do you drink at home? Cold brew, neat.
Do you like to eat with your coffee? If so- what? Usually no. However, in the evenings Quills coffee goes quite well with something sweet.
What do you want to be when you grow up? Happy, Healthy, and Wise
You spent time abroad. Tell us about that. 三年前我住在中国云南州。在内边,我学习中文也傣族文化。我帮助我的朋友们做生意。那时间是很好玩!
What deep life lessons/metaphors can you inspire us with that come from a profession of roasting? Roasting is both art and science. It is creative expression and meticulous execution. It is both primal and professional. To roast coffee is to connect yourself to the earth in a way that's been done for thousands of years in land in and around modern day Ethiopia, the birthplace of all coffee. Remember that.
Anything else you want us to know about you? If you really want to know where the coffee magic happens, come to New Albany.