News Coffees From Burundi and Peru

Spring is finally here in Kentuckiana and with the changing seasons we also have some new coffees that are joining our line up this week.It's been a while since we...

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Spring is finally here in Kentuckiana and with the changing seasons we also have some new coffees that are joining our line up this week.

It's been a while since we carried a coffee from Burundi, but we were lucky enough to get our hands on a real gem from Bubezi. This 100% Bourbon variety comes to us from the Mpanga Washing Station in the Kayanza Province. This coffee is sweet and creamy with some really interesting tropical fruit notes. We expect it will be a real crowd pleaser. 

Our other new coffee comes from Jaen, Cajamarca in Northwestern Peru. This coffee comes from a variety of small producers in the region and yields a cup with floral, citric, and grape-like notes. Specialty coffee in Peru has enormous potential. Each year the coffees we're getting  from there are tasting better and better. We're excited to share this coffee with our customers and wholesale accounts. 

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