We have two newer coffees on the menu, one we've actually had for a few weeks now and another freshly released. Welcome Ethiopia Beriti and Costa Rica La Angostura!
Ethiopia Beriti

As much as we love Kayon Mountain around these parts, it is always great to find a nice counterpoint. This more traditionally-sourced Ethiopian coffee is no less interesting in its own right. Beriti, a washing station in the Woreda district of Tore, Yirgacheffe, is known for consistently turning out coffees that shine with the classic Yirgacheffe cup profile: clean, floral, bright and delicate. This coffee hits all those marks, with well-balanced notes of stone fruit, citrus, and delicate floral characteristics. We find that the Beriti seems to pop with a bit more juiciness and tea characteristics, tasting bergamot, nectarine and sweet graham cracker. You'll also find this beauty as our November Single-Origin Espresso offering in our cafes. Click here to buy now.
Costa Rica La Angostura

For the second year in a row, we bring you coffee from La Angostura. This coffee represents another great result of our importer’s “Community Coffee” programs, in which they work with small coops in local communities to raise standards for coffee and standard of living for the community. These programs pay higher premiums in general, and these premiums go back into building community infrastructure. It’s a great program that benefits the communities where this coffee is grown, and benefits those who drink it by guaranteeing higher quality in the cup, ultimately resulting in quality improvements year over year. We taste: Chocolate, nougat, walnut and green apple. Click here to buy now.