Quills would like to introduce you to our latest superstar: Wholesale Accounts Representative Josh McGee
Super hip, close-up photo; Beard: 12%
It's super exciting to be growing so much, so far, so wide, we have need of cool titles like this. It's also super exciting to invite yet more passionate and fun people on board our ship coffee.
So we'll just let the boy introduce himself to ya and you just try, (we dare you) just try not to like him.
Josh McGee from Knoxville, TN. I am a graduate of the University of Tennessee and a huge Vols fan. My motto in life is TCB (Take Care of Business). I have been in the restaurant industry for over 13 years and I have a passion for food and drink. I joined Quills because I believe in the culture, the coffee, and the brand. I want everyone to know the importance of buying local and support local businesses. I grew up as a Punk Rock/Hardcore kid so the DIY (Do It Yourself) lifestyle has been in my blood. Local business embodies DIY and that is a great thing. People need to know all over the country and world that Quills has kick-ass coffee. We take pride in the process, show our craftsmanship, and embrace the fruit or our labors. My job is to take those ideals and make it known to Louisville, the nation, and the world.
Still pretty unavoidably hip candid photo geeking out with the roasters;
Beard 83% (depending on who you ask)